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Vulnerable Women Series

The Vulnerable Women’s Series are highly sought after by our members, especially by those who are looking for ways to support the most vulnerable in their communities and/or consider specific interventions for specific populations or relating to specific challenges. 

Who is it for?

The WHA Vulnerable Women’s Series, launched in 2022, creates an opportunity for the WHA members community to discuss topics and hear from experts, with a focus on local experiences, about issues that are supporting and making a difference to the health and wellbeing outcomes of women at risk.  

The webinars in this series are highly sought after by our members, especially by those who are looking for ways to support the most vulnerable in their communities and/or consider specific interventions for specific populations or relating to specific challenges. 

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community. These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.
  • The Cornelia Program: Specialist maternity health services for homeless women
  • Blacktown MAPS: Caseload for Mothers with Complex Psychological Vulnerabilities
  • Exploring Women’s Safety during Labour & Birth
  • Providing disability informed maternity care – WIN Clinic
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