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Online Members Community

WHA Online Members Community is a secure online portal for sharing of ideas, knowledge, advice, tools and resources among managers and clinicians of 145 women’s hospitals and maternity units across Australia. There is no limit, or extra cost for any of your staff to create an account on our online Members Community.

It’s now easier than ever to find solutions, and share experiences on the WHA members website.

The WHA secure online community features a wide range of presentations by members on innovative models of care, quality improvement initiatives, and efficiency projects for members to access at any time.  

Access 180+ maternity-specific Webinar recordings
13 niche Network Groups to join
Staff access included as part of membership
Access presentations and resources anytime

How you can participate online

The Member’s Community has a number of fantastic resources to make it quick and easy for you to connect with peers in other maternity services, and to showcase achievements you are proud of from your own service.   

You can access this service by clicking Login in the top right corner of the main menu, or via the link below. 

Catch up on a network event or presentation you missed

If you missed a web conference or couldn’t make it to a face-to-face event you were keen on, chances are you’ll find presentations, advice, tools and other resources on similar topic of interest to you in the Member’s Community.   

Publish your own questions to the community

WHA invites all members to actively contribute to the Member’s Community.  You no longer need to rely on the WHA team to share some videos, photographs, pamphlets or other documents about the great work your service is doing to care for children and young people.

Share your knowledge

Each Network Group has a Forum for participants to share information and resources.   Ask a question, provide a comment, upload a resource, start a new conversation.   All the information shared is searchable within the secure member’s area regardless of whether you belong to a particular Network Group.

Join a Networking Group

Network Groups are dynamic, solution focused, and typically multidisciplinary. These networks make it easy to meet and interact with people with similar challenges and responsibilities in other maternity or paediatric services. 

Participants in Networking Groups do not ‘represent’ their health services. Rather this is an informal opportunity to connect with peers & share ideas & know-how. There is no limit to the number of staff from a given health service who can participate, and staff are welcome to participate in more than one group if interested to do so. 

Once you join a network you can then post questions, view resources, make comments and contribute content for sharing with peers. You will also receive email notifications of any upcoming virtual meetings of your chosen Networking Group.

Event registration

Once you have logged into your account, registering for our events will be faster than ever. 

Find a Peer

Search our membership for someone you may have met at an event, or for a peer in a similar role in another maternity service by their position, health service, state and/or city.  You can also add information about your own role and professional interests.