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Clinical Ethics

The Clinical Ethics network was established to foster collaboration between clinicians working in child health in matters regarding clinical ethics. This includes established clinical ethics services and individual practitioners considering clinical ethics in their practice. The network meets five times a year for presentations on neonatal and paediatric-specific ethical issues and case-based, community of practice style discussion.

Chair: Prof John Massie (Children’s Bioethics Centre – Royal Children’s Hospital VIC) & Prof Lynn Gillam (Children’s Bioethics Centre – Royal Children’s Hospital VIC)

Who is it for?

All health practitioners working in children’s & women’s hospitals including medical, nursing, neonatologist, allied health and executive interested in discussing issues in clinical ethics in neonatal and paediatric health.

Recent Conversations

These conversations and presentations are hosted in our online Members Community. These pages can only be accessed by our members when they are logged into their accounts.
  • Amplifying the Child’s Voice when Interests Elide
  • What weight should be given to the previously expressed views of a 13-year-old patient now in ICU?
  • Religious objection to donation after cardiac death
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