Event Details

Zoom Meeting

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25 June 2024
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEST

25 June 2024
– 25 June 2024

Zoom Meeting

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25 June 2024
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEST

25 June 2024
– 25 June 2024


Sally Coutts
Program Manager, Cornelia Program
The Royal Women's Hospital, Parkville

Sally Coutts is the Manager of the Cornelia Program at the Royal Women’s Hospital. Sally has an extensive background and significant expertise in leadership and management in the homelessness and community sector. She has a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social work from University of Melbourne and a Masters of Social Sciences and Policy from RMIT. Prior to her role at the Women’s, Sally worked as Policy Advisor at Beyond Blue and at the Salvation Army in their Crisis Services Network-as Manager of the 24 hour state-wide Crisis Contact Centre and Manager of Research and Program Development.

Rebecca Bianchin
Midwife, Cornelia Program
The Royal Women's Hospital, Parkville

Rebecca Bianchin is the Cornelia Program Midwife. She provides midwifery care and childbirth education to the participants throughout pregnancy to the first six weeks postnatally. She has experience across all facets of midwifery and has a particular interest with working with women and families from vulnerable populations. Her skills and interests in this field were realised when she worked as a Baggarrook Midwife, a caseload maternity model that provided care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. She has a Bachelor of Nursing & Midwifery and is currently completing a Masters of Public Health at La Trobe University.

Claire Burford
Midwife and Care Coordinator Cornelia Program
The Royal Women's Hospital, Parkville

Claire Burford is a Care Coordinator at the Cornelia Program at the Royal Women’s Hospital, responsible for the intake and referral process, in addition to managing a client caseload. She graduated from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK as a Registered Midwife before emigrating to Melbourne in 2009 to join The Royal Women's Hospital. Prior to joining the Cornelia Program, Claire worked for the Maternity Services Education Program providing education to the rural and regional sector.

Event Dates

Date: 25 June 2024
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm AEST

Date: 25 June 2024 – 25 June 2024


Zoom Meeting

The Cornelia Program – Specialist maternity health services for homeless women

Vulnerable Women Series

Zoom Meeting


Keeping a mother and baby together, with appropriate support, provides at-risk women with the opportunity to care for and stay with their child. The Cornelia Program is a new and innovating partnership between the Women’s Hospital, HousingFirst and Launch Housing to provide housing and wrap around support to women and infants who have experienced homelessness during pregnancy. The program can provide support to 36 women and their babies housed in individual studio apartments for up to 12 months and includes:

  • Maternity, neonatal, sexual, reproductive and specialist women’s health services
  • Care coordination services to support program participants to access other health and psychosocial programs
  • Support to assist participants to access long-term housing and other support services.

The Cornelia Program places an emphasis on keeping the baby safe and supporting the mother-child attachment. Gain a good understanding of what the program provides, how it was established, its intended aims and outcomes and how to refer into the program. 

Key Takeaways