Event Details

Zoom Meeting

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5 November 2024
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT

5 November 2024
– 5 November 2024

Zoom Meeting

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5 November 2024
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT

5 November 2024
– 5 November 2024


Dr Yogavijayan Kandasamy
Townsville University Hospital

Dr Yoga Kandasamy is a Neonatologist who has been working in Townsville since 2005. His research interest include preterm kidney and retinal development and using cot side cameras to provide family centred care for babies born in rural and regional QLD.

Event Dates

Date: 5 November 2024
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm AEDT

Date: 5 November 2024 – 5 November 2024


Zoom Meeting

Neonatal cot cameras at Townsville NICU

NICU and Special Care Nurseries

Zoom Meeting


The role of cotside cameras in a regional Neonatal Unit; implementation, integration and impact for families.

The use of cotside camera technology in neonatal units is increasing, providing livestream video of infants for their families to view when away from the hospital. Results from a pilot study completed in 2019 in the Neonatal Unit at Townsville University Hospital demonstrated multiple benefits of this technology use, including improved bonding and enhanced breastmilk supply. This led to the implementation of cotside cameras as the standard model of care in the Neonatal Unit, with cameras installed at every cotspace in December 2023.

This presentation will outline the implementation process, including complications and successes, how the technology has been integrated into the standard model of care, and the experiences of families who have utilized the technology. Parental feedback was sought through surveys to assess the impact of the cameras after several months of use, and the positive response and stories expressed through this process reaffirmed the important role of cotside camera technology.

This presentation will:

  •     Discuss how an admission to NICU/SCN increases stress and pressure on families, impacting bonding and parent-infant attachment 
  •        Outline the process of implementing cotside camera technology as a complex but worthwhile journey
  •        Present parental feedback with parents reporting reduced stress and anxiety when using cameras, improving family connection with siblings and extended family
  •        Discuss how the use of camera technology can be especially impactful for rural and regional families who are away from home for long periods

Key Takeaways