
World Prematurity Day on Friday 17 November 2023

On Friday 17 November, we mark World Prematurity Day – a global movement to raise awareness of preterm and early term birth. 

Each year more than 26,000 Australian babies are born too soon from this complication of pregnancy which is also the leading cause for death and disability in young children globally. 

Personal stories of preterm birth, as told first-hand by mothers of premmie babies, are key to raising awareness. Natasha Frost is one such mother and you can learn about her story on the Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance website. 

In the lead up to World Prematurity Day 2023, we have created a marketing and comms toolkit to assist our teams in creating awareness of this important date and to showcase our valued consumers and their lived experiences. This toolkit includes social media graphics, digital banners, factsheets, and media materials that can be co-branded with your service for World Prematurity Day, and can be accessed through this link here