Event Details

Zoom Meeting

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15 February 2023
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT

15 February 2023
– 15 February 2023

Zoom Meeting

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15 February 2023
12:30pm - 1:30pm AEDT

15 February 2023
– 15 February 2023


Dr Lisa Myers
Psychiatrist I Awarehub

Dr Lisa Myers (BMed.Sc cum laude, MBCHB cum laude, FCPsych(SA), FRANZCP, Certificate Child Adolescent Psychiatry) is an author and child, adolescent and general adult psychiatrist with 20 years-experience in mental health. Lisa obtained her medical and psychiatry degrees in South Africa, before moving to Australia in 2009, where she completed her child, adolescent advanced training. She has extensive mental health experience in private and public health care services and both acute inpatient and outpatient settings. Lisa has successfully managed many clients and their family’s presenting with a range of mental health disorders.

Event Dates

Date: 15 February 2023
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm AEDT

Date: 15 February 2023 – 15 February 2023


Zoom Meeting

Safety & Quality of Care v's Fatigue & Staff Burnout - Lets take step to address the issue - Dr Lisa Myers

Leading Thinkers Series

Zoom Meeting


It is no secret that working in the medical field can be incredibly taxing; from long hours to constant stress and responsibility. As a health professional, there is a level of pressure that is expected and when tolerated and overcome, can lead to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. However, if it persists endlessly beyond what is humanly possible, it can also lead to fatigue and burnout.

The Australian Health System is under insurmountable  pressure and there is widespread stress, frustration, and exhaustion within the medical community. Errors and fatalities are a tragic consequence and often only lay blame and add to the burden on health professionals. Health professionals are trapped – feeling obligated to serve, but frustrated by the lack of support. Fatigue and burnout are rife and a serious issue facing medical professionals. It can lead to decreased quality of care, mistakes and practitioners leaving the field altogether.

Health professionals need to prioritise their care and insist that their basic rights and needs are met in the workplace. We need solutions to this crisis!

Key take away points:

  • The stress facing medical professionals and the consequences
  • Recognising fatigue and burnout – signs and symptoms.
  • Causes of fatigue and burnout
  • Managing stress, fatigue and burnout – self
  • Expectations of workplaces and government and how we can have these actioned


Dr Lisa Myers is the founder of a unique and holistic mental health practice in Sydney and is an impassioned advocate for mental health. Lisa’s first book, When the Light Goes Out(link is external), is a personal account of surviving trauma and incorporates her professional insights for overcoming adversity. Lisa is a mother of two teenage daughters and she loves practicing yoga in her free time.

Key Takeaways