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Breakthrough Collaboratives

These Breakthrough Collaborative Improvement Projects are based upon the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) methodology for collaborative improvement.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) describes a breakthrough collaborative as a process that typically involves multiple hospitals working together over a 12–18-month period to support the reliable application of existing knowledge about best practice to a problem of common interest to the group to improve patient care and outcomes.  

The strength as a methodology is that it focuses on the spread and adaptation of existing knowledge about best practice care to multiple settings to accomplish a common aim. It is designed to achieve sustained improvement embedded in organizational culture and systems.  

Perineal Tears

WHA supported 28 maternity hospitals from across Australia to work together in 2017/2018 to reduce the numbers of women experiencing third and fourth degree perineal tears during the birth.

Every Week Counts: The The National Preterm Birth Prevention Collaborative

WHA is collaborating with the Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance (APBPA), Safer Care Victoria (SCV), and the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to support a reduction in the rates of preterm and early term birth in maternity services in Australia.

Life QI Quality Improvement Platform

WHA Provides Member services with access to the life QI Quality Improvement platform to help run projects, track data and analyze outcomes.

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