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Perineal Tears

In response to concerns by member hospitals over a number of years WHA supported 28 maternity hospitals from across Australia to work together in 2017/2018 in a National Collaborative, to reduce the numbers of women experiencing perineal tears during the birth of their baby.

Reducing harm from perineal tears 

Women’s Healthcare Australia (WHA) is committed to supporting member hospitals to work together to improve the safety and quality of care provided to women and newborns.    

The following short video clip outlines the key improvements in rates of perineal tears achieved by the participating maternity hospitals.   

Further information and resources to support a reduction in perineal tears

WHA is committed to supporting member services wanting to reduce their rates of harm from perineal tears. Further information on the methodology used and resources that can assist are available below:

The Methodolody used in the WHA National Collaborative

WHA CEC Perineal Protection Bundle and How To Guide

The success of teams in reducing rates of perineal tears

Understanding women's experience of perineal tears

Providing information and engaging women in decision making

Supporting WHA members to reduce rates to perineal tears

The Collaborative was hosted by WHA in partnership with NSW Clinical Excellence Commission, supported by Safer Care Victoria and the Clinical Excellence Division of Queensland Health.