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Our Priorities

WHA is proud to support a wide range of members, from large specialist hospitals to small rural services throughout Australia, to network and learn from one another – we are led by our members – and what is important to them. Our members are united by their dedication to providing excellence in maternal care.

As an organisation we welcome ideas, contributions and perspectives that mean we can improve our knowledge, understand our differences and work and learn together.   

WHA’s mission remains consistent with our focus over the past 30 years – supporting health services and care providers to deliver safe, high quality and equitable maternal, newborn & women’s health care in the partnership with women and their families.  

WHA’s vision & strategic priorities are outlined in our strategic plan developed in consultation with members: 

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan encompasses a range of initiatives to support members to achieve the highest possible standards of maternity & newborn care, including benchmarking, networking, and collaborative improvement projects.  WHA is also active in advocating to governments and other key stakeholders on issues that affect the provision of maternity and newborn care.   

WHA is pleased to share our new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025. 

What’s changed in this new plan is that we propose to build on our longstanding and greatly valued benchmarking and networking services with some additional strategies aimed at enhancing that support. These include: 

  • a renewed commitment to finding & showcasing effective tools and approaches to partnering with women in the design & delivery of services 
  • facilitating collaborative quality improvement efforts on priority issues to support member services to achieve breakthrough improvements in safety & quality of care 
  • championing effective leadership and staff wellbeing as a key strategy for improving care and outcomes for women and families 
  • actively enabling exchange of know-how about reducing the carbon footprint of delivering healthcare services for women and newborns 

WHA would like to thank the more than 100 members who provided feedback and advice in the development of this new single-page Strategic plan. The Board and staff very much appreciate member’s active engagement & input to this important process.  

We achieve our goals through a range of initiatives including benchmarking, networking, and collaborations:


Benchmarking with peers is a valuable tools for health services seeking to assess the quality, safety and efficiency of the care they provide to women and newborns.  WHA offers all member hospitals the opportunity to participate in our benchmarking services. The data collected and shared addresses both clinical performance (interventions in labour, outcomes for babies, etc), and management of the health service (trends in activity, length of stay, costs per patient episode, etc).


WHA creates opportunities for our members to connect and share ideas, learnings and innovations within professional networks of like-minded peers.   Connect through web conferences, events, specific topic-led forums and through our secure online member community to share expertise, examples of best practice, and challenges with one another.      Networks are open to all interested staff from member hospitals.  

Collaboration & Sharing of Innovations

Children’s Healthcare Australasia holds its Annual General meeting in October each year.  Upcoming meeting notice will be found here. 

Advocacy for the maternity sector

WHA is a respected advocate for the maternity services sector.  Government agencies and other stakeholders seek advice from WHA on a wide range of issues related to the provision of maternity & newborn care.    WHA consults closely with its members on each issue and can speak on behalf of the sector without the restrictions that can apply to individuals employed by a given health service.  We take this responsibility seriously and ensure that all advice or advocacy provided is credible, factual and informed by our members.