What We Care About
We achieve our vision through a range of initiatives including benchmarking, networking, and showcasing innovations and advocacy in line with our strategic plan.
The WHA community is now stronger than ever, with more than 155 Maternity & Newborn Hospitals across Australia now participating, who collectively care for 83% of annual public births.
Through WHA, staff of member hospitals come together to share information and ideas about how to enhance the safety, quality & effectiveness of the services they provide to women and families. There is rich and generous exchange happening every week. It is through this exchange that our vision is achieved through connection and collaboration between our members who generously share expertise, ideas, examples of best practice, and strategies for managing common challenges with one another.
Together we can make a big difference to optimal health and wellbeing for women and their babies.
We would like to thank our members for their work, dedication, and commitment to our vision, and for your time and generosity in contributing to the WHA Member Community.