Nominations are now open! WHA is excited to announce that this year an additional Medal of Distinction Award will be awarded to an outstanding team in your hospital/health service. Thank you for acknowledging your colleagues for their exceptional contribution to women’s health and well-being.

2024 WHA Team Medal of Distinction Nomination Form

The medal may be awarded to members and non-members of Women’s Healthcare Australasia. For those directly affiliated with WHA, the criteria for awarding the Medal of Distinction include a significant period of service to WHA, and sustained leadership and advocacy for women’s health. Please include information of initiatives or innovations the team has undertaken against each of the relevant selection criteria: created measurable improvements in the experiences and/or outcomes of care for women and/or newborns, partnering with women and families in the design and delivery of maternity, newborn or women’s healthcare services and advocacy leading to improvements in the health of women and/or newborns beyond the individual service, including sharing of excellence and innovation with peers through WHA or other forums.

Nominee Details

Name of team member to be contacted(Required)
Created measurable improvements in the experiences and/or outcomes of care for women and/or newborns.
Partnering with women and families in the design and delivery of maternity, newborn, or women’s healthcare services
Advocacy leading to improvements in the health of women and/or newborns beyond the individual service, including sharing of excellence and innovation with peers through WHA or other forums

Details of Nominator

Full Name and Contact Details of Person Nominating(Required)