WHA Membership – Join Us
Women’s Healthcare Australasia (WHA) is a non-profit community of maternity and women’s healthcare services who are committed to excellence in care for women and newborns. More than 155 Australian maternity services participate, including tertiary women’s hospitals, metropolitan maternity units, regional and rural hospitals
Membership Details:
WHA Membership is open to all public and private hospital and health networks providing maternity care. Membership is activated at an organisational level with benefits of membership then flowing through to the individual staff of the organisation.
Associate Membership is available, on approval from our board, for other organisations (such as universities, research organisations, industry bodies) that share WHA’s commitment to excellence in care for women and newborns.
Key Details:
- WHA Memberships are organisational memberships
- Membership agreements can be established at organisation OR Health Service OR Hospital level.
- Once membership is activated ALL managers and clinicians involved in providing care are eligible to access member services such as our Network Group web-conferences, access to Quality Improvement Projects, and inclusion in benchmarking program with like-sized hospitals.
Membership Benefits
Our members have access to a valuable range of services and benefits, including:
- Benchmarking Program: supporting participating member services to optimise their care of women and newborns by comparing a range of indicators among member hospitals and health care services of similar size and capacity. Benchmarking with peers is a valuable tool for health services seeking to assess the quality, safety and efficiency of the care they provide. It can reveal information that might not otherwise be apparent at the service level in helping members identify their strengths, as well as opportunities for improvement;
- Networking and information sharing among members on a wide range of issues of common interest: WHA makes it possible for like-minded maternity care professionals and service managers to easily connect with one another. Our members have exclusive access to join Networking Groups that allow them to communicate with their peers throughout Australia. These networks communicate online, via teleconference, and at annual face to face events. Participation enables members to share experiences, innovations, resources and tools and to provide support to one another on common issues, challenges and triumphs;
- Online networking & sharing of innovations: WHA members generously share their experience, ideas, advice, models of practice and details of service initiatives specific to maternal and newborn healthcare through our secure thus facilitating the spread of best practice across our membership;
- high quality events: to review current evidence and innovations, share examples of best practice, and network with peers; and
- advocacy governments on issues of concern to our members.
- WHA Membership fees are based on number of births in the previous financial year. Hospitals managed under a Local Health Network or District Health Board may aggregate their births and join as a member under the appropriate Membership Category. NOTE: Hospitals joining as part of a network/district will all receive separate individualised benchmarking reports, compared to their like-size peers.
- Our fees are per annum on a financial year basis.
- Fees are outlined in our Membership Prospectus
- Joint WHA and CHA membership discount: 5% discount on fees (on-going) – Our sister organisation Children’s Healthcare Australasia (CHA), offers similar member benefits but with a focus on resources, collaboration and benchmarking for children’s hospitals and paediatric units.
Request a prospectus
My employer is already a member - how do we promote WHA to our team?
We can help with this! We can provide promotional material, draft text for you to send out, or even present at a team meeting to highlight all the conversations and resources available to your team.
Simply get in touch and we can provide you with the right tools for you and your team.