
WHA is proud to be a member of the Climate & Health Alliance

22 September 2020

A positive outcome out of COVID-19  is a global consensus on the need for concerted action on prioritising human health through changing unsustainable practices. 

A global network of health organisations working across 11 countries and spanning five continents has issued a powerful statement calling for a “health in all policies” and “systems change” approach in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Beyond COVID-19: Toward healthy people, a healthy planet, justice, and equity(link is external) statement produced by international NGO Health Care Without Harm highlights the essential role of health sector leadership across society. It also declares support for the World Health Organization’s Manifesto for a healthy recovery from COVID-19(link is external).

Read the full Health Care Without Harm statement here.(link is external)

WHA Taking Action:


WHA is proud to be a member of Climate & Health Alliance(link is external).  This network provides a wealth of resources to support interested health services to take measurable action to reduce their environmental footprint. 

All member hospitals of WHA and CHA are encouraged to consider joining the GGHH is external)(link is external)

WHA Green & Healthy Hospitals Hot Topic: 

We invite members to join the Green & Healthy Hospitals group on our members community.  Here you can share questions, ideas, comments and resources in this forum related to local efforts to make a difference.  Members will need to be logged into our Online Members Community to access and join this group.